Expo Panorama

Exhibition Panorama


23/10/2020 - 02/04/2021

The canons of painting can be divided into three broad categories: landscape, portrait and still life.

The Grafixx is a graphic arts festival that invites six artists who are at the crossroads of applied and visual arts. They treat the theme of landscape in different ways: as a subject for an installation or a mural, as a background in an illustration, or as a character in a comic strip.

By linking the works during a ten-day stay, new solutions become possible, cross-fertilisation takes place and can lead to collaborations or overlaps.

Participating artists:

Louis Reith (NL), Ephameron (BE), Aidan Koch (US), Siemen Van Gaubergen (BE), Karen Vermeren (BE), Merijn Hos (NL) and the works from the masterclass "Perception / Representation" (17 & 18/10, coached by Ephameron and Martha Verschaffel).

Panorama Vernissage 


On October 22, the eve of the opening, Destelheide is organising a vernissage:

  • 7.00 pm – Welcome to De Put Hall
  • 7.30 pm – Reception & individual tour
  • 8.30 pm – Performance Hinderland
    Colin H. Van Eeckhout of post-metal band Amenra brings soundscapes with vocals and hurdy-gurdy, Ephameron illustrates live.
  • 23:00 - end
    Would you like to participate in the vernissage?
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