
StudioStar 2023

StudioStar is a European project initiated within the network of the Quality Label for Youth Centers of the Council of Europe, where young people from different countries engage in a creative process and voice their opinions on human rights.

10 countries, 11 podcasts, 13 youth centres

Over the past few months, young people from as many as 10 European countries have collaborated intensively in 13 youth centers under professional guidance. The result of their efforts is an engaging podcast series that delves into the right to expression. In the StudioStar podcast series, the young people explore the concept of freedom of speech, its boundaries, and the value of this fundamental human right in their home countries.

You can listen to the podcast series on our website or on Spotify.


Listen to the complete podcast series of StudioStar

Listen here

Launch podcast series StudioStar

10 december 2023

On Sunday, December 10th, the International Day of Human Rights, the centers within the network of the Council of Europe's Quality Label launched the StudioStar podcast series.

We launched the StudioStar podcast series during 'StudioStar Live,' an online live show. Participants from various countries gathered at their respective youth centers at that time. They shared their experiences during the podcast series production, and various segments were played.

Did you miss the live show? Revisit StudioStar Live on the Facebook Event.

Facebook Event StudioStar Live

Podcast Belgium

For the Hoge Rielen, Destelheide, and Hanenbos, the youth centers managed by the General Service for Youth Tourism (ADJ) on behalf of the Flemish Government, seven young people between the ages of 16 and 23 sat behind the microphone and at the dinner table. They created a creative podcast in the form of a dinner conversation among friends. "We hope that this approach inspires others to continue the conversation at the dinner table at home or with friends," says Nora, one of the Belgian participants. Making the podcast was a very enriching experience for her.

"It's important for young people to learn to share their opinions. Listening to others gives you the opportunity to broaden your perspective, learn, and adjust your own opinions. As a society, we also need to engage in more conversations. But it all starts with knowledge. That's where this podcast becomes a very manageable way to begin."

Nora Vissers

Belgian participant StudioStar

StudioStar is an initiative of Hoge Rielen, Destelheide, and Hanenbos (Belgium) and Centre Cinqfontaines - Service National de la Jeunesse (Luxembourg)

In collaboration with Youth Centre Brežice (Slovenia), FITT Timisoara Youth House (Romania), IPDJ Lisbon Youth Centre (Portugal), Braga Youth Centre (Portugal), Killarney Youth Centre (Ireland), Education and Innovation Youth Center of Florina - Active Youths (Greece), WannseeFORUM Youth Centre (Germany), Marttinen Youth Centre (Finland), and Plovdiv Youth Centre (Bulgaria)

Supported by the Council of Europe.

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